Fixed Wings for Fab Labs
Fixed wings requires reflex airfoils at least in the root to be stable on flight. Taper angle is highly recommended as they provide:
- Largest area to play with the components and control the center of mass.
- Nice stability (yaw)
- Larger moment in the tip of the flap
We can manufacture the wing as unrolling its (almost) single curvature surface. This makes it a great candidate to be manufactured in a 2.5 axis machine (likely with a knife as we will need to crease our flat preform. The optimal crease is a V cut operation as the Zund provides).
Free tools are available to let us estimate range and endurance, design it while analyze it(XFLR5) and design it (MACHUP).
As an example, I am starting to design a fixed wing for Bhutan. I used XFLR5 and Rhino.

Zund Iterations

Its too heavy, we ordered instead 3mm cardboard that will be the material used for the 2nd iteration.